Tuesday, July 26, 2016


That Inca dude offers readers a proper welcome to a 1930 pulp, heralding the start of Fred MacIsaac's latest serial. The most promising name on the cover for me is Ralph R. Perry, and while his Arctic story "Rescue" probably has nothing to do with Bellow Bill Williams, Perry was at the peak of his powers in the early Thirties and I'd have faith in him here. The other serials in this number star George F. Worts' Gillian Hazeltine (Murder! Murder!) and Rasputin (Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson's The Czarina's Pearls). How I passed up a Rasputin cover a week ago when Pearls premiered is a mystery to me now. There's also a serial by Edgar Franklin and stories by Allan Vaughan Elston, H. Thompson Rich and Jack Woodford, the last two being strangers to me. They might be good!

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