Friday, December 30, 2016


Our last Adventure on the Calendar is a 1925 issue that was recently scanned and uploaded to Yahoo's pulpscans group. The highlights are long novelettes by Arthur O. Friel and Arthur Gilchrist Brodeur, the former dealing with a South American coup d'etat, the latter with intrigues in the court of Henry II of England. There's also a good-sized story by J. D. Newsom about the Foreign Legion on the Western Front in World War I, sea stories by Charles Victor Fischer and Aimee D. Linton, a pretty bad historical fiction about Miguel de Cervantes in the Great Adventures of the Super-Minds series by "Post Sargent," the conclusion of a J. Allen Dunn two-parter and the beginning of a Gordon Young western serial. La Rue of the 88 is one of those stories where a supporting character, perhaps unexpectedly, steals the show. We don't see that much of him in this opening installment, but Young found himself writing stories about Red Clark of Tulluco for the next two decades, mostly in Short Stories. Friel and Newsom provide some real-life background material for their stories in the "Camp-Fire" letters section. As a whole a pretty good issue, as usual for this period under Arthur Sullivant Hoffman's supervision.

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